To a surprising extent for one family the Schwabes committed suicide at a higher rather than most other families .
Louis Schwabe, Frank Burdett Schwabe, Cecil Langshaw Schwabe, Vera May Schwabe, Hugo Schwabe, and Arthur Green Schwabe all killed themselves. Most used revolvers to do so except for Louis who drank sulfuric acid and Hugo who slashed the veins in his legs with a razor.

Manchester Evening News – Friday 05 November 1897
THE SUICIDE OF MANCHESTER MERCHANT. INQUEST AND VERDICT. The City Coroner, Mr. Sydney Smelt, held an inquest to-day concerning the death of Frank Burdett Schwabe, who shot himself yesterday afternoon in a public lavatory in Piccadilly. Mr. Newman, solicitor, watched the proceedings on behalf of the relatives of the deceased, and Superintendent Rook, of the Sanitary Department of the Manchester Corporation, was also present. Evidence of identification was given by a brother of the dead man, who, it was stated, was thirty one years old, and lived Dingle Bank, Lymm. He was engaged in business as a grey cloth agent in Museum street, in this city. Witness saw him yesterday morning at about half-past eleven in Peter-street, and he then appeared be in his usual health. Witness did not know that he was troubled about anything or that he had any designs upon his life. He was subject to epileptic fits but had not been seized for several months. Arthur Hornblow Worsley, who lives in City Road, Hulme, said he was in the Piccadilly lavatory at five minutes to three yesterday afternoon when he heard a loud report as of a firearm. He noticed a stream blood flowing underneath the door of one of the compartments and he then called a policeman. Police Constable 76 A (John Lyons) said that when the door was opened Schwabe was found on the floor, beside him were a newly-purchased revolver and open box of cartridges. Witness was of the opinion that the revolver had been placed in the man’s mouth and discharged. The Coroner: I have heard a rumour that he has been a little strange in his manner for the last few days. Mr. Newman: I have seen him recently—about two days ago. The Coroner: Was he then strange? He was strange to some extent—evidently in a very nervous state. A nervous and excitable state? I should not say that he was altogether right. One would think from the very fact that he has committed suicide that he must not have been in his right mind. The Coroner: If a man were in a nervous and excitable state, and this was followed by suicide, I should think that is sufficient evidence to satisfy a jury that he was insane. Mr. Newman: I can give evidence if you desire. The Coroner: Very well. Arthur Newman solicitor, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, said he saw Mr. Schwabe the day before yesterday, and he was then in a very nervous state. The Coroner: You saw him professionally, I believe? Yes. We do not want to know what your business was — law business, I suppose? Yes. He has had no family or money troubles that you know of? I know nothing of family or money troubles. I don’t think money had anything to do with it. The jury returned verdict of suicide whilst an unsound state of mind.