This Loeck family page appears on the Man family web site as a result of the marriage of Harry Morgan Stoe Man to Nora Fanny Mathilda Loeck on 12 July 1909 in Hamburg, Germany.
Nora was the eldest daughter of Otto Loeck and Eleanor Ida May. Eleanor Ida’s father was Thomas May and her mother was Ida Marie Wolff.
Below are some details of the Loeck family and its descendants.
Otto Henning Christian Loeck was born 23 March 1856 in Panker, Germany. He was a twin and the youngest of eight sons of Hermann Franz Ursa Loeck and Anna Margaretha Catharina Brökel.
Otto married Eleanor Ida Clara May in Hamburg, Germany. He died on 27 June 1929 in Hamburg. Eleanor May was born in 22 March 1864 in Montreal, Canada and she died on 27 October 1921 in Hamburg.
The Loeck-May family lived most of their lives at No. 22 Agnesstrasse. Nora’s sister Ida Alice Clara Loeck married Charles Otto Collett and a Collett family page can be viewed HERE. [Below: Harry Man’s in-laws Eleanor May and Otto Loeck.]
Otto Loeck was said to have been ‘dangled on the knee’ of the Czar of Russia when he came to pay the Duke of Hesse a visit. Otto’s father Herman (pictured below) was a forester or estate manager for the Duke of Hesse’s estates in Panker. His mother was Anna Margaretha Catharina Brökel who was born on 7 September 1814 at Todern. Her birth registry in the parish records of Todern is below:
There was also a Loeck family timber business as well as ship brokering business. The “Forsthaus” where Otto’s father lived with his family still exists and is used as a restaurant now. Otto had a twin brother, Richard Christian, who was killed by poachers in the nearby forests.
Otto enjoyed gambling and is said to have won the German national lottery twice. The last time he did so he went to Baden Baden to relax and enjoy his winnings and he summoned his three daughters to tell them of his luck. Unfortunately, later on board the train returning to Hamburg he had a heart attack and died. I have a note that he was born on 23 May 1854. He was supposed to have a had a beautiful singing voice.
Otto Loeck is buried at Hamburg (see gravestone at the bottom of this page) but his parents and a number of his brothers were buried in the grave yard at Lutjenburg near Panker. A photograph of the headstone of the family grave is below. A transcription of the stone is above and below the picture. Additional information is in [ ].
Forster Henning Loeck (17.12.1781 – 4.11.1854)
Oberforester Hermann F. U. Loeck (19.10.1809 – 31.3.1873)
Wilhelm Loeck (17.10.1840 – 27.6. 1929)
[died the same day as his brother Otto]
Forster Christian Loeck (13.3.1851 – 10.3.1871)
[he was shot and killed by poachers]
Herman Loeck 19.12.1869 – 30.10.1905
Eslabe Annalee Loeck geb Jessen 28.2.1791 – 17.2.1866
Mathilde Loeck geb v. Cassel 10.5.1844 – 8.4.1914
Kaufmann Richard Loeck 23.3.1856 – 8.9.1886
Kaufmann Franz Loeck 15.1.1870 – [died in 1940]
Below Otto’s death certificate:
As noted above Otto’s father was Hermann Franz Ursa Loeck. He was born on 19th October 1809 at Gut Roest near Kappeln (Wikipedia entry is here). The estate was owned Charles of Hesse-Kassel (1744-1836) whose Wikipedia entry can be read here. It was his son Frederick (1771-1845) whose estate at Panker Hermann Loeck was in charge of managing. Frederick’s Wikipedia entry can be read here. For an ancestry of Hermann please click here (<— 4 page PDF)
The Brökel / Broekel family.
To view a PDF of the Brökel / Broekel family and its connection to the Struve family click HERE.
In the possession of the family are a number of silhouettes which consist of the following persons:
- Georg Brökel born 4 March 1744 in Hanover died 20 September 1788 in Kiel – professor of law.
- Anna Bielfeldt geb Jacobsen born in Oldenbull on the Island of Nordstrand 9 July 1732 died 31 Oct 1802 in Kiel.
- Hans Christoph Friederich Brökel (picture as child) born in Kiel 16 Oct 1779 died 22 Oct 1823 (lawyer).
- Peter Friederich Bielfeldt born in Kiel 6 Oct 1730 died 13 January 1807 in Kiel.
- Catherina Elis Brökel born as Schmidt born in Bargteheide 19 February 1740 died in Todern 3 July 1783.
Anna Margaretha Catharina Brökel, the mother of Otto Loeck, had a sister Sarah who married Adolph Kamphövener and they had a son Louis von Kamphövener whose entry on Wikepedia can be read HERE. Louis had a daughter Elsa who became a writer and whose entry on Wikepdeia can be seen HERE
Below are some photos of Panker. The large white house is that of the Duke of Hesse. The red brick building may well have been the “Forester’s” where the Loeck family resided.