The Nevill(e) family appears here on the ‘Man & Other Families’ website as the result of a series of marriages as follows: Mary Nevill(e) married Thomas Fane; their son Francis Fane married Mary Mildmay; their son Robert Fane married Elizabeth Cartwright; their daughter Elizabeth Fane married Lewis Incledon; their son Henry married Mary Davie; their daughterMary Incledon married Philip Rogers Webber; their daughter Mary Webber married John Harris; their son John Webber Harris married Louisa Ayton Desborough; their daughter Louisa Mary Harris married Edward Desborough Man. Thus Mary Neville was the ancestress of all those ‘Mans’ who are descended from Edward Desborough.
Mary Nevill(e), Baroness le Despenser, was born on 25 March 1554. She was the daughter of Sir Henry Nevill(e), 6th Lord Abergavenny and Lady Frances Manners the daughter of Thomas Manners, 1st Earl of Rutland.
Mary Nevill(e) married Sir Thomas Fane, son of George Fane and Joan Waller, on 12 December 1574. She died on 28 June 1626 at age 72.
Henry Nevill(e) 6th Lord Abergavenny was the son of Sir George Nevill(e), 5th Lord Abergavenny (1483 – 1535) and his wife Mary Stafford the daughter of Edward de Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham (1477/48 – 1521).
Below, Mary (Nevill(e)) Fane’s aunt Mary Nevill with her son Gregory Fiennes, 10th Baron Dacre.

Mary Nevill, Lady Dacre; Gregory Fiennes, 10th Baron Dacre by Hans Eworth National © National Portrait Gallery, London