Adam Family

The Adam family appears here on the Man family web site when, on 3 June 1893, Beatrice Eleanor Man the eldest daughter of Edward Garnet Man, married James Graham Adam.

James Adam’s wrote an interesting memoir consisting of some 99 pages in which he makes a number of references to his in-law family – The Mans – which helps cast some light on its 20th century history and some of its individual members. This can be read here.

James, along with Cecil Lowis, wrote in verse an account of a trip to Pegu (Burma) that he took with his wife Beatrice and a number of her family. To view this file (in .pdf) please click here. 


Above: the participants in the Pegu trip included Harry Man (standing at the back on the left) and James Adam’s mother-in-law, Kate Man, wearing a dark dress and holding a hat. Below, the intrepid adventurers set out on their trip to Pegu.

Man Family starting out on Pegu trip

The eldest son of James and Beatrice (Man) Adam was Graham Edward Adam who was born on 31 May 1896 in Rangoon, Burma, and died on 6 November 1917 at Passchendaele.

Frank Adam, the brother of James, wrote two books. One on his experiences in the Far East entitled ‘Leaves from the scrap-book of a Scottish exile’ which can be read HERE  (<— PDF) and the other one on the Scottish clans entitled: ‘What is my tartan?: or, The clans of Scotland, with their septs and dependents’ which can be read HERE (<— PDF).

The Adam-Man wedding in Rangoon. The young girl left is Dorothy, Beatrice’s youngest sister, then her father Edward Garnet Man, next her brother Harry Stoe Man, then Beatrice, her mother Katherine, …..

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